Friday, August 30, 2019

Chemical recycling of waste polymer materials

Chemical cycle is one of the important methods of polymer material cycle, which refers to the degradation reaction of polymers under the action of heat and chemical reagents to form low-molecular weight products, which can be further utilized, such as monomer repolymerization, oil products can be further processed. At present, the main methods of chemical cycle are chemical degradation. Chemical degradation can be divided into depolymerization, pyrolysis, hydrogenation and gasification.
The present situation of chemical cycle development of polymer materials

1.       Step - by - step polymer material

The progressive polymer materials mainly include polyester and polyurethane, which are represented by polyethylene terephthalate. Mainly used for film, fiber and fabric, beverage bottle, etc. Waste materials can react with polyols in the presence of catalysts and the products can be condensed with unsaturated polyacids to make unsaturated polyresin. Different esters can be obtained by alcoholysis with different alcohols, either as monomers or as plasticizers. PET can be hydrolyzed under acidic or alkaline conditions. It can be hydrolyzed under normal pressure in strong acid (such as sulfuric acid and nitric acid) medium. The hydrolysis rate is fast. If it is hydrolyzed in an aqueous solution of alkaline (such as NaOH), 3-sh should be reacted at 21 2500C and 1.4-2.0mpa. After the reaction, TPAO weak alkali (such as hydrogen and oxygen) can be precipitated, and can also be used to hydrolyze PET waste to obtain monomer. Saponification reaction under atmospheric pressure has been applied in silver and TPAO polyurethane is from recycled PET film condensation polymer materials, can be hydrolyzed into the pluralistic alcohol and amine, with a special extruder hydrolysis, dibasic acid can be obtained by the purification of the product and diamine, diamine and reaction with phosgene, preparation of diisocyanate, used for foam production. But the cost of this process is large and the recovery benefit is not high. PU alcoholysis is a widely used method at present. PU waste materials can be alcoholyzed to obtain polyol mixture, which cannot be separated effectively at present, but this product can be used as a component in the manufacture of foam plastics and elastomers.

2.       Additive polymer material

Polystyrene (ps) in addition to used as paint, binder, but also used to crack styrene ps under the action of heat can be cracked into styrene, the yield of 65%, above. Japanese scientists have cracked PS in solvent method, decomposed it at 400 to 500 for 1 20min, and the condensate obtained can be distilled into styrene with a purity of 96%.High purity styrene can be obtained by fractionation using metal oxide as catalyst in melting state (>350 ).In addition, lead alloy is used as heating medium to crack ps. Under the action of appropriate catalyst or irradiation, polyolefin can undergo chemical reactions to form materials with good performance, such as polyethylene (PE), which can be crosslinked with crosslinking agents (such as peroxides) to produce PE materials with good performance. Waste polyolefin can be chlorinated, and the chlorinated polyolefin can be used in binders and coatings. In addition, polymer polymerization to make oil is a common cycle method.

3.       Hybrid polymers and composites

A common method of making use of a variety of polymer mixtures is cracking them to make oil. The mixture is cracked at high temperatures to produce gas and oil, which can be used as fuel or refined directly at the refinery. Chemical plants have high requirements on the organochlorine content of oil, generally no more than 10 * 10-6. However, the organochlorine content of oil obtained from cracking of plastic mixture can reach (50 to 200) * 10-6, so it is very important to dehalogen before cracking or during cracking. In addition, waste plastics often contain heavy metal element compounds, cracking oil refining to consider the poisoning of the catalyst. Most of the resins of composite materials are thermosetting resins such as unsaturated polyvinegar resin, epoxy resin and phenolic resin, etc. The waste materials of composite materials are not only used as powder filler, combustion to take heat and chemical auxiliary fuel, but also used for cracking and recycling oil products and raw materials. For example, after the decomposition of glass fiber reinforced plastics at 380 at atmospheric pressure of 50 , the further decomposition at 450 and 550 can obtain oil products. Due to the large amount of residue, a special decomposition furnace needs to be designed to complete the pyrolysis process, and the research work is still under way. Another example is the pyrolysis of phenolic resin in the experimental vulcanization bed (722 ), the products include aliphatic hydrocarbon (mass fraction is 5 · 24%), phenol (8, 25%), carbon black (42).2%), gas (24, 3%), etc.

Chemical cycle process and equipment

1.       Reaction Still

Reaction kettle is a common chemical equipment for chemical circulation, and its matching equipment is condenser, storage tank, distillation tower, etc. The products of raw materials (such as polyolefin) degraded in the reaction kettle can be monomer, chemical raw materials, etc., such as PET pyrolysis and then polymerization into PET, or unsaturated polyvinegar resin can be produced. According to the demand, the reactor can be designed into a tank reactor to facilitate heating and slag removal. The reactor can also be designed as a tubular reactor, which can increase the cracking temperature, shorten the time, and continuously crack, suitable for the cracking of ps, PMMA and other polymers.

2.       Fluidized bed reactor

Fluidized bed reactor is a kind of bed reactor. W. kanaminsky et al., Germany, used propane combustion to heat carrier gas or water vapor, and used heater to heat sand and carrier gas to 500 ° c at 00 ° c. The carrier gas should be enough to promote sand fluidization in the reactor. The polymer is squeezed into the fluidized bed by the extruder, and the polymer material is cracked in the fluidized bed. The resulting gas and carrier gas are separated by condensation and separation, and the pyrolysis products are obtained. Fluidized bed cracking apparatus has the advantages of fast heating, high efficiency, even cracking temperature and closed system. Cracking reaction is best carried out under inert carrier gas. If air is used as carrier gas, the product is easy to be oxidized and the thermal energy of the obtained oil is 10700 lower.

3.       Extrusion cracking equipment

Extrusion cracking equipment is composed of two extruders in series. The first extruder has a vent hole. The waste polymer materials were cracked at low temperature on the first extruder. The main purpose was to remove HCI from the waste materials. The intermediate products of cracking are then entered into the second extruder for high-temperature cracking, which turns the polymer into a low-molecular compound or oil or gas. After separation, HCG cracking reaction can be carried out continuously, which can be decomposed mechanically and thermally. In addition, new devices are being researched and developed.

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